Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gun trafficking from the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels

Over the past couple of years there has been major drug wars going on between cartels in most border towns and various places in mainland Mexico. The cartels are fighting over turf in border towns because of easy access to their biggest clients, the United States. There has been hundreds of shoots killing thousands of people, wither they got caught in crossfire or were targeted victems from rivaling cartels. The big question is where do these cartels get so many guns to supply to all of there members and to maintain power, the answer once again is the United States. In the U.S. the purchase of firearms is quite easy, as long as you have the cash and don't have a criminal record you can buy yourself a small pistol all the way to an AK-47 without even a blink of an eye. Cartels have set up gun smuggling groups mostly in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico who go into each of the thousands of gun stores and can purchase two or three firearms without it even being suspicious. I think it is so irresponsible of our government to allow for there to be non licensed sellers who can sell to anyone, and I think it's wrong that we even have such relaxed laws for the licensed sellers. These gun sells contributing to thousands of deaths in Mexico and its all because some Texans want the right to keep a rifle in their house just incase they need to kill someone. I think the United State's laws on gun enforcement need to become much stricter, by not allowing machine guns or powerful rifles to be sold, and designating only one or two gun sellers in a city or town. The government needs to be able to see if people are buying suspicious amounts or rifles, and check up on them, rather than having to rely on the salesman to inform the government of strange purchases. The United States needs to do this for Mexico's well being and it will hopefully reduce the number of guns owned and as a result, less shootings and deaths.

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