Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Vocabulary #6

Hubris- 1: Exaggerated pride or self-confidence.

Karl Lagerfeld, the creative director of Chanel, has exhibited his very hubris persona throughout the years by making statements on fashion and the world that surronds it.

Dearth- 1: Scarcity that makes dear; Famine. 2: An inadequate supply.

Southern California is experiencing a dearth of water because of the droughts that are plauging all of its major water sources. Without these water supplies providing the naturally desert climate of Southern California, with water, there will have to be major changes in the way they get water.

Emulate- 1a: to strive to equal or excel. 1b: to imitate by means of an emulator. 2: To equal or approach equality with.
In the film Kissin' Cousins, starring Elvis Presely, Elvis plays two characters. He emulates himself when he plays Elvis' evil blonde cousin who lives in the mountains.

Inchoate- 1: Being only partly in existence or operation. Imperfectly formed or formulated.
Cookie dough is inchoate because it is in the process of being formed into a solid cookie. The cookie is only partly in existance because only the cookie dough exists, not its shape or its complete flavor.

Precursor- 1a: One that precedes and indicates the approach of another. 1b: Predecessor. 2: A substance, cell, or cellular component form which another substance, cell, or cellular component is formed.
The 2007 Golf GTI was the precursor to this 2009 Golf GTI. The 2007 Golf was much less sporty and resembled the rabbit. Now this car has a drag racing look which is much different.

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