Thursday, December 17, 2009

Vocabulary #4

Fallacy-1a: obsolete b: deceptive appearance 2a: a false or mistaken idea b: erroneous character 3: an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference.
This advertisement for Camel cigarettes from the 1950's is full of fallacies because it is falsly showing people that it is healthy to smoke. By having a doctor be the model in the ad, its providing the public a false sense of security surrounding a cigarette.
Vacillate- 1: to sway through lack of equilibrium 2: to waver in mind, will, or feeling: hesitate in choice of opinions or courses.
In the Hindi film, Jab We Met, the main character, Geet, vacillates in her feelings towards Aditya, her good friend. He tells her that he loves her, but makes sure that she doesn't feel obligated to love hime back. Aditya is the sweetest person who is so caring and loves Geet so much, but he knows she loves her ex boyfriend more. When Aditiya rescues Geet from a deep depression after her boyfriend broke up with her, she started to fall for Aditya, but her boyfriend came back for her and she was unsure who to choose.

Desultory-1: marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose. 2: not connected with the main subject. 3: disappointing in progress, performance, or qualitiy.
The new Porsche Panamera is a very desultory automobile. Its a four door Porsche which makes the car immediatly ugly and obviously slows the car down because of its weight. Its a car made for boring people who want a Porsche but really don't care about the looks or the performance. The Panamera is the ugliest Porsche to date, and its really a step back for the company.

Despondent- 1: feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression.
In the book, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway, the main character Jake is a very despondent person. It focuses on the "Lost Generation" and how everyone really has no hope after the first world war. None of the characters really feel happiness, and it focuses in on how their relationships suffer and how nothing really is meaning full to this generation anymore.

Heritage- 1: Property that descends to an heir. 2: Something transmitted by or aquired from a predecessor. 3: Something possessed as a result of one's natural situation or birth.
The Queen of England's heritage is has been royal throughout time. Due to her blood lines, she became England's monarch, and not through proper election. Her royal blood has allowed her to be a very wealthy, respected, and powerful woman of the world.
Intrepid- Characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance.
Asoka the Great Emperor of India was an intrepid leader. He fought in all the battles and demanded respect from his followers. He was ruthless and never stood for disobediance. In the mist of his career he suddenly saw what he had become and decided to become a buddist monk that spread the word of peace all around India.

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