Wednesday, December 16, 2009


The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Resources are in question right now due to the over use of them throughout the centuries, and right now, this abuse is catching up to itself and is quickly destroying the Earth. Pollution is a major factor in the destruction of nature and global warming, plastic is the highest physical form of pollution that is plaguing the oceans of the world. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a prime example of this plastic waste and all of its effects on nature. Plastic is a material that does not decompose and thus never goes back into the Earth, and instead, it is poisoning marine life, and eventually poisoning humans. If the amount of waste that’s being put into the oceans is not reduced soon, there will be major consequences. There is an island of trash, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, that’s floating around the North Pacific Ocean and its growing rapidly each day, and soon will consume the rest of the world's oceans. If plastic production is not regulated soon, there will be a worldwide catastrophe at hand.
Not very many laws concerning plastic production have been passed due to the power of plastic lobbyists. Congress has failed to make plastic regulation a priority, and it’s mostly due to the influence of the plastic companies and their lobbyists. People are not aware of the consequences that happen when they litter, and need to be shown what happens in the oceans, and how much marine life is killed when they do. Congress has not set an example for the American people to follow by making it a primary concern of theirs, and if it is not taken up soon as one, pollution will be shoved in their face like a very forceful wake-up call. San Francisco put a ban on plastic grocery bags, and it has really encouraged people to start using many more forms of recyclable materials. Since the local government in San Francisco encouraged their citizens to take control of the plastic situation, people are willingly accepting of helping the environment. The bottom line is that people need to be educated in order to act. If people’s government isn't educated on plastic pollution, then how can the citizens are expected to do anything about it if they aren't educated too? Laws concerning stricter recycling systems need to be in placed around the world.

These laws and potential laws should be in place because it’s concerning the health of the planet. If the global community doesn’t step up and reduce their output of pollution, the Earth will be permanently damaged. The effects of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch are already showing through the decrease in marine life, more and more incidences of poisoning in people, and the overall look of the oceans. Plastic does not belong in the ocean, especially in a great patch, swirling around. If the production of plastic is not reduced and recycling programs are not enforced, the oceans will not be oceans, and without those major resources the ocean provides, the world will be at a loss. Without nature, nothing can function and the world is going to slowly self destruct. Education is key in halting this process and with this education comes the demand for legislation and eventually the decrease in world pollution.

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