Thursday, November 12, 2009

Vocabulary #3

Vehement- 1: Marked by forceful energy (powerful) a: intensely emotional b: deeply felt/forcibly expressed c: bitterly antagonistic.
In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff was a vehement lover, who became obsessed with the idea of winning his true love back. This picture shows Heathcliff deep in thought on the rough moors. His expression is so full of passion and yet it is terribly bitter at the same time. Cathy broke his heart by discarding his love for status and wealth and that choice changed molded his entire life and to reach a status worthy of Cathy's love became his obsession. Heathcliff is the ultimate image of a vehement lover, with his truly victorian nature.

Blatant- 1: Noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner 2: completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner.
Lindsay Lohan's tweets at Samantha Ronson were blatantly a plea for attention. Twitter is a new phenomenon of updating the world with every single move you make. This is a favorite form of communication for celebrities, and especially Lindsay Lohan. Here she is tweeting to her girlfriend Samantha Ronson about how their love for each other is forbidden by Sam's family, but that they will continue to love each other. To tell the world these personal issues of yours, you are very blatant with your individual problems.

Alleged- 1: Asserted to be true or to exist 2: questionably true or o a specified kind 3: accused but not proven or convicted.
In the famous British television series, Footballers' Wives, Joan Collins guest stars as Eva De Wolffe, a wealthy woman who is very much senior to her alleged footballer boyfriend, Paulo. Paulo is the newest member of the team and everyone is perplexed by his relationship with this old woman who he claims to be in love with. Tanya Turner, another footballers' wife starts wooing Paulo and the whole story of him and Eva unravels. It turns out that she adopted many boys when they where young and brainwashed them into thinking that they loved her.

Factoid- 1: an invented fact believed to be true because of its appearance in print 2: a briefly started and usually trivial fact.
In during the trial on Mrs. Leighton's murder, the defense lawyer started spewing many factoids about his client's past to hopefully buy some time. A good defense for someone is to show the jury and the judge that their client is in fact a human still, and it will force them to relate to the person charged.

Flout- 1: to treat with contemptuous disregard (scorn) 2: to indulge in scornful behavior
Governments all over the world have started to look upon smoking with flout and ban it in most public places. The idea of dancing in a smoky disco has become unappealing to people of late, and as more and more medical studies come out showing the side effects of smoking, it becomes less and less glamourous.

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