Monday, November 2, 2009

In Defense of Food

Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them?
Well, I think it’s either that people don't care about what they eat, or they are not fully aware of the consequences of eating unhealthily. Education is the key for a smart living and healthy society. When people are unaware of how many unnatural chemicals and ingredients are in the chips and candy they buy, they continue to purchase and ingest these unhealthy and potentially unsafe foods. If people are not educated about the effects of these fake and not whole foods, they will slowly poison themselves. The food giants that sell the public these fake foods, realize their demographic and try to make them think they are eating healthy by making labels that claim things that are hardly true. People need to be educated on the problems with the food they eat, and so they can make conscious choices of becoming healthy of staying unhealthy.

What roles/responsibilities does the government have in framing your choices?
Once again the idea of educating the public on the foods that surround us is the responsibility of the government. If people are not aware of the problems around them, how can they be expected to teach themselves? The government needs to guide the public in education and needs to get the ball rolling so to speak with promoting the concept of eating healthy. Thanks to food lobbies that have a strong grip on the government’s opinions of food regulation, they don't implement education programs. The government needs to start sorting out its priorities and understand that the public’s general health is much more important than staying friends with a powerful lobby.

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