Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Vocabulary #2

Empathy- 1: the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it. 2: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings or thoughts of another of either the past or present without having those feelings or thoughts fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner.
In the film Bright Star, the two characters Fanny and John Keats, are involved in a deeply victorian romance. Keats is an impoverished poet, and Fanny is an aspiring dressmaker. Keats develops an intense case of tuberculosis and is very weak and ill, but because Fanny has this deep love for him, she empathetically takes care of him and feels a worse pain than him, but in her heart.

Deduct- to take away (an amount) from a total
Workers across the country are having work days deducted each month from their schedules. These are called furlough days, in which an employer makes each employee take an unpaid day off each month to save more money in these times of need. This is an image of someone's work schedule and as you can see, friday the 14th is not a working day, but a furlough day.

Recapitulate- 1a: to restate briefly b: to give new form or expression to 2: to repeat the principle stages or phases of
This is a screen grab from a gossip blog called Posh24. Each week they recapitulate the best dressed celebrities from that week and have the readers vote on who they thought was best dressed. The celebrity photos can be from totally different events, they are just recapitulating which celebrities successfully achieved a glamourous look that week at the various events around the globe. The reader gets to reflect on all of the stars outfits from that week at once and form an opinion of them based on what others are wearing.

Precipitous- 1a: very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging in rise or fall. b: having precipitous sides c: having a very steep ascent
The Grand Canyon is one of the largest and deepest canyons on land. The walls of the Grand Canyon are painted with natures pallet, and are vastly precipitous. It takes one several hours to climb through the switchbacks in order to get up or down the canyon. The high walls of canyon where formed from an ancient river that used to flow through it, now the Colorado river flows straight through the canyons floor.

Incognito- 1: One appearing or living incognito 2: The state or assumed identity of one living or traveling incognito
In the film Vertigo, Kim Novak portrays Madeleine Elster, a young wife obsessed with her great-grandmothers suicide. She ends up committing suicide off a bell tower, and leaves the private detective hired by Madeleine's husband to follow her in shambles. Months later the detective sees a woman very similar to Madeleine walking down the street and it turns out that she never was the real Madeleine Elster, but Judy Barton. She was hired by the husband to cover up the fact that he murdered his actual wife. Judy Barton became Madeleine Elster incognito to cover up a murder. In this picture, the detective is rescuing "Madeleine Elster" from her first attempt at suicide.

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