Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Vocabulary #1

guerrilla- 1: a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying out harassment and sabotage.
Che Guevara was the leader of the guerrilla army during the Cuban Revolution. This is an iconic image of him during the Cuban Revolution, this picture of Che has become a sort of symbol of counterculture in society today. Che was the leader of the guerrilla army whose purpose was to over throw the U.S. backed dictatorship, and free Cuba from any ties to the U.S. They succeeded and thus making Che an icon.

tempo - 1 : the rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions (as largo, presto, or allegro) and often by an exact metronome marking 2 : rate of motion or activity
In the second movement of Mozart's sonata, the tempo called for was allegro. This image demonstrates the tempo in Mozart's Rondo in A minor. This is a graph that was created when a recording of Rondo in A minor was played. It shows how the tempo changes according to the crescendo of the song. Tempo can variate in a song based on how the composer wants the audience to feel when listening.

flourish - 1 : to grow luxuriantly 2 a : to achieve success b : to be in a state of activity or production c : to reach a height of development or influence
During the industrial revolution in the United States, business flourished and created many jobs. This photograph is a prime example of the industrial revolution and it really shows how much the cities flourished. You can see trollies have been built, taking people to new jobs in factories around the city, hundreds of people bustling around the city, and trucks filled with materials that where to be processed in that city. One can almost feel the buzz from this rapidly growing and flourishing center.

symbiosis - 1 : the living together in more or less intimate association or close union of two dissimilar organisms (as in parasitism or commensalism) 2 : a cooperative relationship (as between two persons or groups)
The Swedish House Mafia is a group of three DJs who perform in symbiosis at clubs. This photo shows Axwell, Steve Angello and Sebastian Ingrosso all working together on one controller. This is a perfect example of symbiosis because it is showing three human beings understanding each other and trying to create something beautiful together, music.

tumult - 1 a : disorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd usually with uproar and confusion of voices b : a turbulent uprising 2 a : violent agitation of mind or feelings b : a violent outburst
Hester Prynne was engulfed by a tumultuous crowd when she stood in front of the angry townspeople for her public punishment. This photo shows an angry society heckling a woman for being human. She was caught in the act of having a lover by becoming pregnant. Society was angry because this was something they tried so hard to repress, passion. This photo shows a hateful and spiteful crowd, crushed together, watching the woman who represents all that is wrong and thus making the event very tumultuous.

Renegade- 1 : a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another 2 : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior.
Joan of Arc was a renegade because she was the leader of the Anglican resistance in France.
Repose - 1 a : a state of resting after exertion or strain; especially : rest in sleep b : eternal or heavenly rest
2 a : a place of rest c : a harmony in the arrangement of parts and colors that is restful to the eye 3 a : lack of activity b : cessation or absence of activity, movement, or animation 4 : composure of manner
As Catherine approached the carriage after the ball, she immediately decided that she would repose on the way back to the Mildusk Manor.
Stereotype- 1 : a plate cast from a printing surface 2 : something conforming to a fixed or general pattern; especially : a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment
Antione soon realized that everyone in high school is stereotyped into specific groups.
Tariff- 1 a : a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods b : a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule 2 : a schedule of rates or charges of a business or a public utility
One of the causes of the American Revolution was the fact that England put outrageously high tariffs on all of the American imports.
Tranquil- 1 a : free from agitation of mind or spirit b : free from disturbance or turmoil 2 : unvarying in aspect
Margaret sat beneath her blessed fir tree in a divine state of tranquility.
Tundra- 1: a level or rolling treeless plain that is characteristic of arctic and subarctic regions, consists of black mucky soil with a permanently frozen subsoil, and has a dominant vegetation of mosses, lichens, herbs, and dwarf shrubs; also : a similar region confined to mountainous areas above timberline
The jackrabbit rapidly burrowed under the tundra's icy soil to escape the hungry wolves.
Unanimous- 1 : being of one mind 2 : formed with or indicating unanimity : having the agreement and consent of all
Cults leaders brainwash their members into thinking unanimously with them.

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